Corporate Guardianship
Guardianship is a legal process in which the court appoints a legal guardian to represent and make decisions for an individual. It has been determined that the individual lacks the ability to make decisions and is in need of a surrogate decision-maker to advocate for services and give informed consent for medical procedures. Consumers in need of guardianship may have severe memory loss, dementia or cognitive impairments that seriously jeopardizes their health and safety and may have suffered self-neglect, physical abuse or financial exploitation.
There are two types of Guardianship. Golden Care Services, Inc. is willing to provide one or both for an individual. The two types are:
Guardianship of person: When Golden Care Services, Inc. is appointed as guardian of person, the court gives staff the legal ability to obtain community services, health treatment, housing and benefits. These steps enable consumers to maintain and/or increase their quality of life.
Guardianship of Estate: When Golden Care Services, Inc. is appointed as guardian of estate the court gives staff the legal responsibility to manage all financial resources of an individual in order to provide stability for the consumer.